Friday, October 10, 2008

Review Preview...Sadie

CC Designs/All That Scraps had a big release this week...did you check it out? Well, go over there now and shop and then come back...I'll wait...

All set? Got your sets? Ok, let's continue!

Each Friday after a release the DT highlights one or two of the sets that was previously released and this week is Sadie and Annabelle. I have one more Sadie card that I haven't posted yet so I thought I would share her with you today!

Thanksgiving Sadie, illustrated by Jen Ofiana...

Isn't she cute carrying her basket of goodies? I simply colored her with markers, added a few strips of patterned paper and ribbon and she was good to go!!

Be sure to stop by the blogs of the other DT members...someone is giving away some blog candy but you'll have to visit the blogs to find out who!!! Have fun...

See you soon...


Jennifer Love said...

Mine are on order...wish I had them in my inky hands! LOL!

What a wonderful card! Your coloring is just fabulous!

Ana Wohlfahrt said...

OMGosh!! She is ADORABLE! Might have to bring her home :)

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