Friday, April 13, 2007


Just a heads up that I did a little blog housekeeping this morning...I'm not sure if editing some of my posts will trigger Feedblitz to generate a bunch of emails and if it does, I apologize. Basically, I went through and added labels to some of my previous posts so that things will be easier to find (tutorials, altered items, etc...) I was afraid to "edit" them all in fear that a mondo email would be sent so I just did the project highlights! From here on in I will try to label I progress through this blogging experience I am learning so bear with me!!!

Check the white side bar for my newest addition (to search by topic) --->

It's the first day of spring break and we're all still in our jammies...after my real work today I hope to be back with a project or one seems to want to go anywhere today so that may be a bonus for me!!!

See you soon...

1 comment:

Kristine said...

The nice thing about Feedblitz is that even if you added a dozen new posts in one day, it will just clump them all into one email. But just editing a post/s already one there won't usually generate a new email. HTH. I Like your blog and it's nice to have things more organized, huh? :o)

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