Thursday, July 10, 2008

H & M Stamps Release Day!

Today is the day that H & M Stamps releases two new sets!!! Fun in the Sun and Cozy on Up!!! There are a ton of images in each set and they are good quality clear stamps! So much fun, you have to check them out!!

Here is another card from Fun in the Sun...I'm working on samples using Cozy on Up (I couldn't put Fun in the Sun down!), so check back in the next few days for those!

The paper on the side is from the Target dollar spot...they had some scrapbooking paper in the late spring and I of course had to scoop it up! There is actually some metallic coloring on it! I thought it was perfect for this set. I found a large, dark button in my stash that looked kind of like a rock you might find on the beach. I ran some twine through the holes and stuck it on the panel with a glue dot. The rest is pretty straight forward!

I hope you'll check these and the other previously released, awesome sets out. I think the dinosaurs are at the top of my already released list! Too much fun!!

See you soon...


jjcreations said...

Very the footprints in the sand. Joan

wendyp said...

Super cute!!!

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